Hi Nikki, just read your story with interest, finding points of overlap. I wrote shorts stories and a heck of a lot of notes and outlines for more. I used a lot of it for song writing and spoken word gigs. Never bothered to publish much, but as I became concerned over climate issues, I started thinking about writing on the subject. Last May I discovered Substack.... WOW..... then last month I read of Suzanne's concept, which I have become totally involved in, finding her new writers every day. I'd suggest that it dovetails with your league, seeing strong possibilities in enhancing the readership of both our groups via collaborations. More importantly tho' is that such a melding could bring about a planet wide conscious drive for practical solutions. I would be grateful for your thoughts, and hope that you would see fit to copy this to the rest of the League. The essay is but the initial step of a broader and devloping programme.... Peace, Maurice


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Thanks for telling your story. Love that exercise, switching with another writer. Brilliant!

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